Introduction to the Process Model of Psychotherapy

Introduction to the Process Model of Psychotherapy is for mental health professionals who want to learn the basic concepts of The Process Model as developed by the Process Therapy Institute over four decades. This course includes theoretical presentation, process work demonstrations, experiential exercises, and discussions.

Starts May 18, 2024
10 Sessions

($300.00 for pre-licensed clinicians)

Marketing from the Inside Out

Marketing is more than manifesting more clients, or money. Marketing, done right, is respectful; it isn’t “manipulation;” it is not “begging,” not “bragging;” it’s a conversation.
Marketing, done well, comes from an attitude of mutual abundance. It is the ability to create Mutual Abundance between you and others by offering and allowing the exchange of abundance. ​You craft a story of who you are as a therapist, and learn to tell it well to those who would be your clients. Marketing is sharing your passion and your competence with people who will resonate with those things.

Starts June, 2024
3 Sessions

($125 for pre-licensed clinicians)

Advanced Process Class-Part A

The purpose of the Advanced Process Class (APC) is for participants to deepen their experiential and theoretical knowledge of the Process Model. The Process Model was developed by Carol and Don Hadlock. The model is a meta-modality of psychotherapy that is experiential, present-moment centered, therapist-and-client centered, depth oriented and self growth oriented.

Part A deep dives into being and explores the psycho-spiritual foundations of the Process Model: flow, allowance, non-resistance, mindfulness and boundaries.

Starts September 6, 2024
15 Sessions


Advanced Process Class—Part B

The purpose of the Advanced Process Class (APC) is for participants to deepen their experiential and theoretical knowledge of the Process Model. The Process Model was developed by Carol and Don Hadlock. The model is a meta-modality of psychotherapy that is experiential, present-moment centered, therapist-and-client centered, depth oriented and self growth oriented.
Part B unpacks the layers of doing from presenting, introspecting, ownership and enacting process.

Starts January 12, 2024
15 Sessions


Advanced Process Class—Part C

The purpose of the Advanced Process Class (APC) is for participants to deepen their experiential and theoretical knowledge of the Process Model. The Process Model was developed by Carol and Don Hadlock. The model is a meta-modality of psychotherapy that is experiential, present-moment centered, therapist-and-client centered, depth oriented and self growth oriented.
Part C continues to deepen process skills such as tracking, client resistance, transcending and integrating.

Starts May 10, 2024 [2025 cycle dates TBD]
15 Sessions


Introduction to the Process Model for Spiritual Care Providers

This class is oriented towards spiritual care providers—priests, clergy, chaplains, religious and community leaders—who provide emotional support to community members experiencing life difficulties: a pandemic, divorce, substance abuse, death of a loved one, domestic violence, job loss, etc.

Starts TBD
10 Sessions