Lane Arye: Process work
In this episode of Work in Process, Dmitry has a fun conversation with Lane Arye about Arnold Mendell’s Process Work.
Preparing Psychotherapists since 1982
1760 the Alameda, Suite 100, San José, CA 95126
In this episode of Work in Process, Dmitry has a fun conversation with Lane Arye about Arnold Mendell’s Process Work.
In this episode of Works in Process, we explore covert narcissism with Jennifer Crane, LMFT. This is part 2 of a previous conversation we had on the same topic, this time focusing on the people in relationship with covert narcissists.
In this episode of Works in Process, we explore covert narcissism with Jennifer Crane, LMFT. We will continue this conversation next month with Jennifer with a part 2.
In this episode of Works in Process, we discuss working with couples in therapy with Ron Steck.
In this episode of Works in Process, we are joined by Jennifer Weise, LMFT in a discussion of the internal process of change.
In this episode of Work in Process, we talk about the internal process of loss and grief from a healer’s perspective with psychotherapist LaDonna Silva. With passion and vulnerability, LaDonna describes her own journey of mourning and meaning-making after the death of her mentor and friend Don Hadlock.