Lane Arye: Process work

In this episode of Work in Process, Dmitry has a fun conversation with Lane  Arye about Arnold Mendell’s Process Work.

Lane Arye, Ph.D. is a senior trainer of Processwork (developed by Arnold Mindell) and is a founding faculty member of the Process Work Institute in Portland, OR. Whether teaching, working in private practice, facilitating community and organizational conflicts, or learning & training alongside social justice groups, Lane partners with people to help create more inner and outer freedom and wholeness. He co-led a six-year UN funded project in the Balkans that brought together Serbs, Croats, and Muslims after the war to work on ethnic tension, post-war trauma, and building sustainable community. Author of Unintentional Music: Releasing Your Deepest Creativity, he also wrote “The Vicious Cycle of White Centrality” for Kenneth V. Hardy’s forthcoming book, The Enduring, Invisible, and Ubiquitous Centrality of Whiteness. Lane lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and two teens, who grow his heart every day. Pronouns: he/him/his.

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