Interact Journal Integrative Ideas for the Process-Oriented Psychotherapist
Category: Process Model Concepts
On coaching and psychotherapy 
Concepts we teach
In our training program we help you discover concepts that work for you. We explore techniques and procedures for clinical work, practice down-to-earth techniques while in sessions with clients and opportunities to develop skills.
Process Model Concepts Overview
Don Hadlock, the Process Therapy Institute’s founder, give a brief overview of the stages of a client’s journey to healing.
PTI Guiding Principles
Sending and receiving love are the most important and fulfilling processes that help to make us whole. In fact, they are two parts of a whole – we can’t do more of one than we can the other.
Positive Attitude Towards Learning
Begin to think of all incoming information as neutral. Consider information as an invitation and perceive it all as valuable to you. An example I think of comes from the 1986 movie Short Circuit, where a newly liberated robot craves input. He proceeds to devour all information available. His intake of information is, in itself, his joy.
About Process Map
Psychotherapeutic resolution of neurotic issues is a continuing mystery to us all. It unfolds over the lifetime of the human organism with or without the assistance or interference of psychotherapists. We all have our theories and opinions about how human beings work through their traumas and resolve their existential and developmental conflicts. But the truth is, none of us knows for sure. We can only flounder about, call on our fairies, paraphrase other theorists, and speculate in metaphors as we attempt to interpret the intrapersonal experiences of ourselves and others.
What is Process Therapy?
All of us humans are looking for a sense of fulfillment and well-being in our lives—that state where we are able to allow life energy to flow easily and without resistance. However, when negative events happen and we perceive we are broken, or not safe, most of us constrict our flow of well-being and perceive our experience as un-ease. We invite our clients to identify their psychological constrictions and release them, thus making room for the return to ease, awareness of life’s energy flow, and the experience of fulfillment in their lives.