Mindful Caregiving of Elders: Applying concepts from the book The Whole-Brained Child

Join us as we explore what caregiving of our elders can look like as we apply concepts from Daniel J. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson’s The Whole-Brained Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture your Child’s Developing Mind to facilitate a more mindful caregiving experience for all.
This content could be useful for therapists working with caregivers of elders as well as for therapists that are also caregivers themselves.

Learning Objectives:

During this gathering we will:

  • learn about 12 strategies Daniel J. Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson present in their book
  • apply these 12 strategies to the caregiving of elders
  • explore ways to turn these strategies into action to facilitate a more fulfilling and mindful caregiving experience.

*Note: It is not necessary to have read the book in advance.

To Fight or To Celebrate: Inviting Ownership and Differentiation while Working with Couples

Two main questions that my couple clients present me with are: “How do we stay connected and agree when we want different things?” and “How do we disagree and still stay connected when we want different things?”   In this workshop I will discuss some ways of inviting clients into connection to self and ownership while at the same time being available and open to connection with a partner.

Learning Objectives

Participants will learn skills to invite clients in couples therapy into:

  1. Two interventions to refocus from other-blaming to self-ownership
  2. Three interventions for self-soothing
  3. Two interventions for appreciation of individual differences