PTI Workshop Proposal Form

This form form is for mental health clinicians who wish to offer workshops at PTI.

About the events

Free Community Workshop (FCW)

The PTI Free Community Workshop series is at the PTI office. This event is open to all audiences, especially to PTI cilents. Speakers are invited to share their event with their clients and other therapists at PTI, as well as with the wider professional world as a valuable and free resource for clients. This event is a marketing tool for pre-licensed clinicians at PTI.

For the FCW, you will need: a title, a brief description, a speaker bio and a picture. This information will be used to create a post on the client facing website. No need to submit another picture if we already have one on the site. **Please note that it might take up to two weeks for the workshop page to be added to the client site. It will make the work go faster if all the information requested is included.**

For a list of the upcoming FCW, please check: This is also useful to find a month that does not have a FCW scheduled. We usually aim to schedule events 3 to 6 months ahead of time so that there is enough time to advertise the event.

Process Lectures (PL)

Process Lectures are held currently on the fourth Wednesday of the month in the afternoon. Each experiential workshop is 1.5 to 2 hours at the PTI office in San Jose. This audience for this series is the wider mental health professional world. Speakers are invited to share their event with their professional networks, their supervision/consultation groups, social media, etc. This is a wonderful event for PTI clinicians to build credibility in a supportive environment.

For the Process Lecture, you will need: a title, a brief description, learning objectives, a speaker bio and a picture. All of this information will be posted on the training website. These workshops offer CE’s and therefore need to meet CAMFT CEPA guidelines. The PTI event coordinator will work with you if you have any questions.

For a list of upcoming lectures, please check: This is also useful to find a month that does not have an event scheduled. There is also an archive of previous PF that have taken place. We usually aim to schedule events 3 to 6 months ahead of time so that there is enough time to advertise the event.

Weekend Workshop

PTI offers weekend workshops once or twice a semester. Workshops usually explore a topic from a process model lens, or are of sister modalities that are experiential and adjacent to the process model. The Training Director will work closely with those interested in offering a weekend workshop at PTI to make sure if fits within PTI’s own offerings and mission as a training institute, as well as to structure fees, minimum attendance needs and workshop space/equipment needs.

Workshop Proposal Form

    Your Name:

    Your BBS Registration Number:

    Your Email:

    Your Phone:

    What type of event are you planning?

    Presentation date:

    Presentation start and end times:

    Title of Your Proposed Workshop or Panel:

    Description of Your Workshop:

    Learning Objectives for Your Workshop (not needed for Community Workshops):

    Professional Bio (maybe be brief; please highlight your PTI training):

    Professional picture to include in the marketing material. No need to include if we already have an image that you like.:

    Small suggestion: Save a local copy before you submit in case there is an error and you have to resubmit your form again. If you need assistance, email

    This form will send you an auto-generated copy of your proposal to the email you shared.